Love is just a heartbeat away…

With, Love Me Now, Love Me Forever, now on sale, Susan Brown and I are thrilled to be sharing our co-authored romances with a wider audience. So while we work on our next book, we hope you’ll enjoy our first three titles, Outbid by the Boss, Making Up is Hard to...

Writing For Children

  When I first started reading mysteries, it was all about Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and their uncanny ability to get out of any small-town scrape that came their way.  They didn’t need rescuing and neither do the kids in the books I like to write.  Or the...

Why I still make cold calls…

  Picking up the phone and calling someone you have never met before, and likely has no idea who you are, can be daunting, especially if you’re interviewing an expert in a field of which you know very little.  Like agriculture or mining.  Who knew, for...

Why your back-cover blurb matters…

  Like a pitch, or a synopsis, writing a blurb for the back cover of a book is one of those incredibly-challenging “extras” that go with the job.  And it’s not just the words you write, it’s how they look on the page. My co-author, Susan...